Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do you know???

I was sitting at the table the other day when Ry comes walking up the stairs with the most amazed look on her face and announced

"Mom do you know they have these thing called Ding Dong's?  They are round and like cake and have chocolate and white stuff in them"!

Poor deprived child of mine :(


  1. They're also one of the greatest pre-made snack cakes known to man! Buy the girl a box :)

  2. Haha that is probably good that they don't know about Ho-ho's. Those are straight junk!

    I just found your blog through a Thursday Blog Hop! Have a great night.

    Amanda @

  3. I am your newest follower from the Cornucopia of Blogs Hop!

  4. Oh I haven't had a ding dong since I was 15, many moons ago!

    Your newest follower from the Cornucopia Monday Blog Hop!~Lisa

    I am all a twitter about life

  5. LOL Don't feel so bad, my daughter didn't know what real icecream was until she was 4. I always filled her bowl with cottage cheese and told her it was icecream.
